The media sucks. From the time we are able to open our eyes and watch tv or commercials, we are constantly being told, YOU ARE NOT GOOD ENOUGH.
It's such BULL! As Women, it is ingrained in our brains and self worth, that we must look like a Victoria's Secret Model and weigh a certain weight. If we do not, we are substandard. Did you know, if you hear and see something enough times, YOU BELIEVE IT--WHETHER IT IS TRUE OR NOT! That's the way your brain works. You can brainwash yourself into thinking anything you want to believe. YOU ARE IN CHARGE! Or you can let someone (or the media) brainwash you.
Let's Change this. Let's start with getting to know your body type. You have a unique body, based on your genetics and heritage. These genetics determine how your body responds to exercise and burns fuel (FOOD). Ya. It sucks. You can not expect to just eat the way a Victoria's Secret model does and automatically look like one. And you can not just do cardio and count calories. That doesn't work either. Although you think it makes sense will go mad when you get diminishing results, become adrenal fatigued and fatter---even though you are working out more and eating less.
Let's get to it. Are you an ECTO or ENDO or MESO?
ECTO-This is the Victoria's Secret models. You have a hard time gaining weight. This body type can tolerate more carbohydrates.
ENDO-Overweight. Hips Wider than your shoulders. HARD to lose weight. EASY to gain weight. "I just look a donut and gain weight"
MESO-Muscular-Hips and Shoulders same width. Generally more lean. Can weight and lose weight pretty easily. Will Put on muscle mass more easily than the other two.
Most likely you are a combination of 2 or even all 3. You have a leading body type. Once you figure that out, you can taylor your diet and exercise, as well as your EXPECTATIONS!