Cardio is like a bad boyfriend.
Looks like a good idea at first...
After a couple months of pure bliss, the truth comes out. Cardio pretends to be something it's not. Cardio will not change your body. Cardio will only run you ragged leaving you tired, hungry and completely unsatisfied. And You will stick with Cardio for too long. The empty promises will keep luring you in. Sure, it feels good while you are doing it but the dirty little secret, that Cardio likes to keep, will have you feeling like a loser. Ashamed you have spent all this precious time getting nowhere.
The diminishing effects of cardio are real. STOP the insanity! Cardio is an important part of the puzzle, it is NOT THE ANSWER! Lift some weights. Eat Some protein. Get some sleep. Do more with less. You will never be happier!